Ripple of Kindness is a gathering of like-minded women who recognize the need for community support, initiating kindness together for the greater good of our community
Our members donate $100.00 each, four times a year. We gather twice a year to socialize and listen to past recipients and how they used our donations locally in the community. This means, our members donate $400.00 each year, impacting four different organizations. Nominations are opened up once a year and current members are able to nominate ONE charity each year to be voted on quarterly. After a charity has received a Ripple Donation, they are not eligible to be nominated again for 5 years.
Nominations and voting take place from the comfort of their nearest device, and everything is done electronically No matter where our membership is or what they are doing, they are making a difference.
If you would like to join this great group of women and be a part of a chapter in your area, please head over to our ROK Chapters page.
If you are looking to open a chapter in your area, Barbara & Mary-Anne would be happy to meet with you and ripple into your community (see what we did there!). You can visit our Open a Chapter page to start the process.